Saturday, October 1, 2011

How do you act in different scenery's: Do you take God with you?

So right now my friend is blaring Brittney Spears and I'm singing the song "You Put the Light in Me" in my head, I'm not too fond of 'real music' anymore.

 But on to the post.

I used to act differently in different scenery's. For example, When I was at Church or with my Christian friends I would appreciate God and cherish him and love him, but for some reason when I was with my non-Christian friends I would party and forget about God.

This brought me to the conclusion that I wasn't a real Christian. I had to step up my game and take God everywhere, not just to Church.

I cleaned up my act, even though I do slip up on swearing and acting the way my non Christian friends act. I pray to God every day to give me the strength to resist the things they do.

Another example is it has been a tradition to go to the homecoming football game at my school.

It took about a day of arguing back and forth with myself to not go to the game.

The reason behind that was because I knew how I would act. In the moment, swearing like a sailor, and not acting like myself.

I think I made the right decision.


1 comment:

Amy said...

This is a great point, Ashley! You're inspiring me to write on this topic as well, since I've had some experiences with Christian friends who do not behave like Christians in various "worldly" contexts - at clubs, on vacation, etc.

These are Christians who might be classified as lukewarm.

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:15-16

When I was saved in March of this year, I was blessed enough to have my husband Nathan as an example of a passionate God-loving, God-fearing Christian. I have always seen lukewarmness as something that is both contagious and extremely harmful, and I think a symptom of lukewarmness is not bringing our "Christian identity" with us to every single context of our lives.

How awesome that you identified this issue and are working so hard to fight lukewarmness in your life!

I'm proud of you for not putting yourself in contexts (e.g., the homecoming game) where you know you'll be tempted to behave in ways that are not Christ-like. You are clearly passionate and on-fire for God - woohoo! Fire is contagious as well!

Stay strong in Christ and keep drawing closer to him! You're an inspiration, and I'm so glad you're sharing your journey on your blog.
